Saturday, March 10, 2012

Black Veil Brides & Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Reckless Love TICKETS FOR SALE +

Black Veil Brides, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Reckless Love x2 tickets for sale Black Viel BridesWith support from Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows and Reckless Love. Over 14s only, under 16s with an adult. Photo ID required to gain entry. Concert location and time is HMV Picture House 31 Lothian Road , Edinburgh, EH1 2DJ Wed 28 Mar 2012, 19:00 Ticket Limit There is a strict limit of tickets so wont be very many left I would have been going but due to financial reasons has made me have to put these up for sale as i can no longer attend this CHEERS FOR LOOKING PLEASE CONTACT ME ON 07927266532 (TEXTS ONLY) I HAVE PUT THE VENUES POSTCODE IN TO GIVE ROUGH IDEA OF WHERE IT IS